Covers individual professionals up to $1 million for each malpractice suit filed against you and up to $3 million per year. Also includes General Liability for other lawsuits.
- Providing insurance solutions for over 35 years!
- Professional Liability with a broad definition of professional service
- General Liability with a Broadening Endorsement

Who We Protect
- Drug and Alcohol Addiction Counselors
- Health Educators
- Interventionists
- Mental Health & Rehabilitation Counselors
- Social & Case Workers / Managers
- Life, Personal, and Recovery Coaches
- Marriage and Family Therapists
- Certified Employee Assistance Professionals
- Art, Music, Dance, Pet, Equine, and Recreation Therapists
- Psychologists
- Clinical and Exercise Psychologists
- Occupational and Recreational Therapists
- Speech and Language Pathologists
- Students in the above fields
What Products Do We Offer?
- Coverage pays for those sums that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages because of any act, error, or omission due to the rendering or failure to render a professional service.
- Provides coverage for professional services provided by another person or organization on the insured’s behalf, such as employees and volunteers.
- Broad definition of professional services to include any service that involves specialized education, knowledge, labor, judgement, and skill that is predominately mental or intellectual. The coverage is not limited to professional who have a degree or license.
- Additional Insured — Automatic status when required by written contract.
- Professional Liability is available for full-time counselors and students as well as at a discounted rate for those working part-time.
- Our policy is written on an “Occurrence” coverage form. With this coverage it does not matter when a claim or suit is reported, the policy will respond as long as the injury or damage sustained was during the policy period.
- Limits are offered at $1 million each incident / $3 million annual aggregate and up to $3 million per incident / $10 million annual aggregate when required by state, contract, or for those who just want higher limits.
- Defendants reimbursement and deposition fees and expenses included.
- Peer Review.
- $25,000/$50,000 administrative defense of HIPAA notification costs.
- LLC, PC, Inc., S. Corp–This applies to sole owners of a corporation or LLC when the owner/members is the only person providing services and there are no employees or any other individual providing services on behalf of corp.
General Liability
- Increased medical payments and property damage extension or coverage for damage to premises rented to you.
- Personal and Advertising Injury included.
- Additional Insured: Automatic status when required by contract (Example: Landlord).
- Medical Expenses for first aid–administered up to $20,000 during policy period.
- Damage to property of others–$5,000.
- $1,000,000 Occurrence / $3,000,000 Aggregate — Includes coverage for those sums that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages for bodily injury and property damage.
- $1,000,000 Damage to Premises rented to you, which includes coverage for fire, lightning, explosion, automatic sprinkler leakage, or water (excluding flood).
- Bodily Injury broadened to include mental injury, mental anguish, humiliation, or shock.
Abuse & Molestation Coverage
- $100,000 Each Act of Abuse / $100,000 Aggregate (includes expenses outside limits).
- $1,000,000 limit available pending underwriting approval.
- Broad definition of abuse:
- Any act, threated or alleged
- Error or omission, conduct or misconduct
- Sexual or non-sexual
- Additional Insured — Automatic status when required by written contract
- Higher limits are available for facilities
Why Do You Need Van Wagner?
- All practicing behavioral and mental health professionals need Professional Liability Insurance.
- Your employer’s coverage may not provide coverage for you for past incidents once you leave their employment.
- Your employer’s coverage may lapse or be cancelled without your knowledge.
- Coverage provided by your workplace generally will not cover you for actions brought against you by a licensing board or other regulatory body.
- The cost of a malpractice claim brought against your employer and you may exhaust your employers policy limits…potentially leaving you exposed.
- Having your own individual coverage gives you “peace of mind” knowing that you have an insurance company that represents your interests only.